You Are In The Right Place!

Today’s Seasoned Woman is for women who have said goodbye to the years of raising children and hello to the second act of life. Women who face a new stage of life with a seasoned perspective and embrace what is to come with the same vigor they faced leaving home for the first time.

Welcome to Today’s Seasoned Woman. A blog for women who want to live fully and passionately in the second half of life. Women who have said goodbye to the years of raising children and hello to a time of freedom and reinvention. Women who face a new stage of life with a seasoned perspective and embrace what is to come with the same vigor they faced leaving home for the first time.

For those of us who have been married for a while midlife can be a trying time for our relationships as we transition into an empty nest and look at each other and ask, “Who are you, who am I, and who are we.” Let’s talk about how to revitalize our relationships, while we are in the process of becoming us, and navigating seasons of life after raising children.

In this blog we are going to explore the empty nest and what we can do to get through this transition and prepare for the next stage-parenting adults. The empty nest is a big deal for some women and not such a big deal for others. If you are struggling let’s see if we can figure out how to get you through this stage and onto living your best life.

There is a lot of talk about the terrible two’s and those teen years, but what about parenting adults. We might not be actively parenting, but we are parenting and it doesn’t seem to get easier. Let’s talk about it.  Lets talk about developing relationships, their divorce, establishing boundaries, new phases, getting to know people you raised who have changed, letting go, loosening our dependency on them, vacations, learning from and continuing to teach them.

We are going to talk about us. Finding purpose, navigating transition, finding new opportunities, aging, self-care, work, changing roles, embracing change, being and finding exhilaration, surge of new power, and boost of independence.

What You Can Expect?

My goal is to post to this site once a week and send out a weekly email with a listing of helpful resources and the latest articles that have been published. 

I would love to hear from seasoned women.  What challenges do you have? What do you want to celebrate?  What do other women need to hear, read about?  Please email anytime. I would love to connect.

Follow Today’s on Instagram for encouraging, informative, and thought provoking posts.


Marcy Pedersen

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